Even though the temps have dropped, my little garden has continued to grow steadily. As can be seen from the photo below, every plant seems to be thriving against the odds. While it is 36 out with a moderate wind, it is 48 inside the structure. That means that the structure plus the 2 other layers have raised the effective garden zone inside to probably at least 1 to 1 1/2 south. That puts it in the same zone as South Carolina or Georgia. Not too bad for a makeshift attempt.
It's just about time to pick the gourmet blen leaf lettuce. I will wait until next weekend to give it another week of growth. The other three lettuces seem to be growing at a quicker pace now but that is probably attributable to the warm weather we had last week. All the other vegetables will continue to grow.
While the outside veggies are growing, I also have my early start veggies under lights now. They are doing ok so far but there is a long time to go before they can be hardened off and planted outside. As you can see, they are growing quite well and now that they are under the lights, should continue to do so. In about a week or so, I will begin giving them half strength fertilizer to boost their growth and health. It's half strength to insure that they do not grow too fast and become leggy but have the necessary nutrients to produce helpful plants.
I will have to continue to monitor these seedlings and the plants outside during the next week. The season is beginning to ramp up whether people do their own seed starts or not. As I have said in several posts, we have had a relatively mild winter so far. Given what happens in February, there may be an opportunity to start the season earlier with some accomodations. Just a thought but one worth entertaining. One that I will work out as the weeks go by and things become more certain.
Well, that's all for now. Have a great week and Happy Gardening!
Well, that's all for now. Have a great week and Happy Gardening!