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Monday, June 11, 2018

Changing of the tides

About 2 weeks ago, I was out in my garden trying to decide just how to plant my crops given the unusually wet weather we had been having (and still are!) here in the mid-Atlantic.  And, as I stood there, I decided that rather than do anything that day after the long rain we had just had, I decided to take an inventory of what I needed to get accomplished around my house. 
So, I stood in my garden, my backyard, the driveway area and the front yards for the next hour or so.  I opened the Anydo app on my phone and made lists for each area.  After having surveyed the various areas, I then prioritized the items in each area category.  It was, to be honest, a very numbing feeling to see in color just what there was to do besides gardening.  And on top of this list, is the fact that I still hadn't finished the transfer of all the items back into my unfinished basement where we replaced our furnace, A/C and water heater recently.  It was very overwhelming at that point.  So this list got me to thinking about gardening.  I thought about it for several days in order to give the lists some distance.  And one immutable fact kept pronouncing itself to me.
I needed to give the gardening a rest this year in order to have the time to get these little and not so little projects completed.  So there it is.  I have decided that I won't be gardening this year.  I cannot remember a time when I had a house that I did not have a garden.  This will be foreign to me to say the least.  I mean, I have been gardening for over 47 years - that number certainly sticks out like a sore thumb.  
At first, my family thought I was just frustrated with the weather.  But, after saying it and DOING it, I think they are convinced now.  Granted, some of the projects are garden related such as setting up my year round greenhouse and placing my new water tank.  I also am now looking at rejuvenating my soil with amendments and such over the summer.  So, there will be projects and I will share their progress here along with any other work I do with the garden.  And I think there is plenty to do.
I did go over to one of my friends gardens last Saturday and helped him roto-till and plant 21 tomato plants.  I have free access to the tomatoes so I will have fresh and organic tomatoes this year.  They are my favorite vegetable so there is some consolation in that.   
Sometimes, you just come to a decision point where the answer is obvious and yet you don't want to acknowledge it.  This was one of those times - much to my chagrin.  It will be okay and I do have the knowledge that next year my gardens will be ready for another 47 years - or so I hope!
Until next time, Happy Gardening everyone.