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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Spring is in the air?

So, this week we have had quite the little swing to spring.  After a cold Sunday, we woke up to frigid temps and some wind on Monday.  It was about 15 degrees when I started my car.  It begrudgingly did start after a little hesitation.  It was frigid for the day as temps did not get much above 26 around this area.  Yesterday was a little better as we broke into the mid 30's.  And today, it was in the mid 40's..  The high for tomorrow should top out at about 60 which will seem downright balmy compared to Monday.  But, tomorrow will be the end of the unseasonable warm weather.  By Saturday, if the weather forecasts are to be believed, we should be back in the 30's with a possibility of snow.  Such is life in the mid-atlantic region.  Swings of this sort are common place during winter. 
I took advantage of the temps today to check on the winter garden.  I didn't know exactly what to expect given the unevenness of our weather.  But, much to my surprise, it looked pretty good all in all. 
While the lettuce looks worse for the wear from the temperatures, the spinach, onions and carrots look pretty hardy at this point.  According to what I have read, this seems to be the result that I should be seeing at this time.  I have hope that this will continue and it just might if the weather stays on the
warmer side of normal for this region.  Only time will tell but again, I am pleased with the progress
at this point.  I watered the plants and covered them back up having taken the opportunity to water before the cold temps set in for the weekend. 
It hardly seems time to begin starting plants for the garden but I will be finishing the set up for starting plants in my basement this weekend.  I plan on starting broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower(maybe).  I also have to find some good seed starting mix so I will have to do some research and see what most people believe is the best.  I tried an organic mix last year and I wasn't exactly happy with the way it ponded water on the surface.  That, and the fact that the soil seemed to stay way too moist
seemed to hinder the seedlings growth.  Once I transplanted them and got them into the garden, they took off.  But, by that time, they were delayed and just seemed to be unable to catch up.  I learned a lesson that weak seedlings beget weak production.  It's all part of the experience of gardening.
Well, that's about it here in Baltimore.  Just taking one day at a time and waiting for the gardening season to commence.  Hope you and your families are all doing well and that you are enjoying reading these posts.  Until next time, happy gardening everyone!   

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