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Monday, December 14, 2020

Summer plants in December

I decided to try an experiment this winter.  I decided that I wanted to grow a cucumber plant in my basement.  The idea sprang to life for me when I found a self pollinating variety of them with my local seed go to supplier.  I had the idea in the summer and it came to me again in late November.  As I relayed in my December 2nd post, I decided to test two other older cucumber seed packs to see if they were viable.  One packet was along with the new seeds as you can see below.  The third pack - not so good.  I'll plant them again by themselves as Spring arrives just to be sure they are dead seeds. 

So, now that I have seedlings and they seem pretty healthy, it was time to set up a support for the plant to grow on.  I will be thinning these down to one plant to grow through the winter.  So, I devised a string support system to allow the plant to grow vertically and enable me to supply enough light for it.  Here is a shot of the system from the perspective of the plants.   

I am supporting the plant with a roller system that I have that is identical to those used in greenhouses.  I strung wire from two eye hooks in the rafter and attached the roller system to it.  I then took the string and ran it down to the bucket and anchored it to into the soil with an earth staple/stake.  Once the plant grows a little more, I will then use clips that attach to the string and encircle the plants vine.  I used these with my tomatoes and I have to say, I didn't have a single issue that I recall.  Here is a picture which shows the roller and how it is supprted/attached to the wires I strung.



Its a little difficult to see but the clip basically has a loop at the top where you clip it onto the support wire.  And, as the plant grows, I let out the string at the top to allow me to wrap it loosely around the plant and support the vine via the support clips.  It works so easy.  I will be updating the progress on this periodically.  Hopefully, we'll be eating some cukes in teh not too distant future.

That's all I have at this time.  Hope you are doing well.  Until next time,Happy Gardening everyone. 


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