Well, maybe it's just starting actually. I've been incredibly busy with the construction of our new front porch and handling a full time job. Add to that a newly sodded front yard to attend to and you get the idea. My time is very limited right now. It can get stressful and I have done what most gardeners who do it for a hobby do - I have ignored my beds. As I posted earlier though, the winter rye is in the beds and everything else has come to a stop. I am still mulling winter crops but time is seemingly just slipping by. So, my lack of attention to the gardens is my cheat to get through these demanding times. As I write this, I am relaxing on a very subdued Sunday evening as result of a very hectic Halloween Saturday complete with a half day of work, some construction work on the front porch and some time hanging out with the neighbors and seeing all the kids in their costumes. Phew!! But it is all good as we really don't see the neighbors a lot as winter approaches so that was nice.
Here is a little proof that the gardens are doing just fine without my daily visits.

The two pictures on each side are the beds where the seeds were planted two weeks ago. I took these pictures on the 25th so they are about a week old as of today. Pretty good growth so far. The center one is the new bed that had been planted three weeks ago. The object here is not to get great growth above ground, but to get a solid root system in the ground. We probably have about a month to go before we start seeing any snow so, with a little bit of fair weather, these plants will grow and spread their roots into the soils.
I have many projects to get accomplished before the snow flies so I will be giving these beds cursory attention. I am sure they will be fine. That's all I have to report at this time. Happy Gardening everyone!
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