What a beginning two weeks of March it has been. In like a Lion, out like a Lamb is very true this year. We've had over 9 inches of snow on one day and several days in the 50's and 60'S. And, that volatility is not even over yet. As I write this, we are expecting several days where the lows are going to be below freezing with highs from the 40's to the 60's. Crazy weather - right?
Preparations should be the order of the day for this week. Speaking of preparations, I now have 3 cabbage, 3 broccoli and 8 pepper plants under my lights. I also have 6 various types of heirloom tomatoes under the lights. So, the process is under way for another year of gardening.
There is still a lot of preparation to do before the gardening begins in earnest. I definitely need to clean and sharpen my tools, perhaps oil them and make sure they are ready for use in the not so distant future. I began pulling some of the winter stored items out of my shed but I believe doing too much would be a bit hasty at this time. One thing I did get accomplished was I pulled out my plant boxes for my hydroponic system and cleaned them with a bleach/water mixture to kill off any unwanted problems. I set up the pole they are held by this morning so it's almost go time for that. I can't wait to start planting the lettuce and associated crops which I will wait to do until the end of this week.
Cleanup needs to be completed around the beds and probably, thanks to the harsh winter, in the beds themselves. Last fall I planted winter rye as a cover crop so that really needs to be cut and worked into the beds. I spotted my weed whacker this morning along with the sting for it. I just cut the rye and leave it set for a couple days then turn it over once the ground dries a little bit. I used rye last year and my plants seemed to do better during the dry summer we had. So, I figured I would use it again. Besides, it keeps the squirrels out of them, adds green manure directly to the soil and it looks nicer than just having empty beds.
Gearing up for Spring can be a daunting task so I try and do a little here and there to take the pressure off once the weather finally turns about mid March. It almost time but we are just starting to see the beginnings of Springs promise.
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