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Friday, January 26, 2024

The snows we had last week have wreaked havoc on the cover crops I have growing.  I'm going to wait to see what happens as the snow finally melts in the next day or so.  We're supposed to have rains this weekend so I have hope those will clear it out.  I have hope they will rebound.  If they don't, I will then cut them down and eventually turn them over into the soil.

On another note, in late fall I set up the pictured mini greenhouse and seeded in the same cover crop as an experiment.  I wanted to grow the crop but also wanted to test whether or not the crops would grow through winter.  And I have to say, I'm impressed.

As seen in this picture, it grew pretty well.  This is is the result of seeding it in and basically leaving it alone.  Given these results, I now know that I can most likely grow root and leafy fall crops in the greenhouse.  I have a total of 3 of these so I can get a pretty decent rotation.  And, I gotta say, this was a nice result for an Aldi purchase. 
The days are getting nearer to begin the gardening season again.  I'm excited as I hope you are as well.

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