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Saturday, March 4, 2023

March - the two headed monster of gardening

March is an important month in a gardener's world. The days become longer which hopefully will bring warmer and drier days. It can tempt a gardener into a false security at times. One never knows nor can they predict when a rogue snowstorm will come upon them. All of these dynamics combine to make March very challenging.
I have been concentrating on two areas recently. A good portion of the last weeks time has been spent on first getting my soil prepped. This has involved turning over the leaves into each garden bed. I used a 4 tine rake and just gently turned the soil over to help speed the decomposition process. This process seems well underway given the predominance of worms I uncovered.

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While I was doing that, I sowed in 60 sets of seeds into a starter tray with various veggies. These were for tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, peas, cilantro, and onion starts. I decided that I am also going to direct seed in onions, lettuce, spinach and various herbs in pots in the greenhouse. Those will have to wait until the weather and temps turn a bit. There are forecasts that say the middle of March will be colder and snowier than we have seen in my area. What else would one expect from March after all?

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The start of March is always very busy in many different ways. The days can become chaotic if you let them. Every year at this time, there is so much enthusiasm for what's ahead. Anticipation builds rapidly as we endure winter's last gasps. We can finally get to growing - hopefully. So, all I can say is, Happy Gardening everyone!

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