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Sunday, April 22, 2018

Time to get serious here..

We've had a very beautiful set of weekend days here in the mid-Atlantic and all I can say is - it's about time.  After being way too busy with my job and major renovations being completed on our house, it was certainly glorious to get out of the house and into a mid 60's day today.  Of course, as I sit here, my body is asking what the heck was that?  See, our weather for the last month or so (if you don't live here) has been less than normal and actually quite cold.  Today was a very welcomed relief.  I am sure there will be a lot of tired folks tomorrow but it was worth it as far as I am concerned.
So, having been delayed, I jumped right into the garden with gusto.
Being a firm believer now in cover crops, it was time to cut it down and till it into the ground.  Yesterday, I cut the Winter Rye down so that it could begin to break down into the soil.  I started with the three beds looking as such:

Really nice crops of Rye thanks to the cooler temperatures so there is a plus from the cool spring weather!  After having cut them with my weed whacker, they looked like this at the end of yesterday.

So, as per my normal routine, I left the clippings to dry out.  Usually, I leave them for a couple of days.  But, after checking our long term weather forecast this morning, I decided that given we are to receive rain Tuesday through and including Saturday, I decided it was better to do the tilling today.  So, after a little less than an hour, I had the three beds looking like this:

My plan is to let the rains saturate the beds to allow for the build up of microorganisms and critters to feast off the clippings.  I do have to point out that this tilling was done with a Mantis tiller that would  disturb little more that the clippings from yesterday and the very top of the roots.  I have seen a much more robust soil in terms of plant growth and soil structure each year.  I am anticipating that the same will happen this year too.
I do have some major projects to undertake before summer weather arrives.  I will be installing a greenhouse my wife and son bought me for Christmas.  I have finally mapped out the area I want it located in.  And additionally, I need to install my new water tank.  I cant really call it a rain barrel as that doesn't describe it.  Here is what it looks like.

I have an area for it, I just have to build a base with cement blocks to support it that will make it  higher than my beds so gravity will do the watering.  It has a metal cage around which will support the tank.  It holds 275 gallons of water which allowed it to replace the 4 rains barrels I had from before.  Cost was $75.00 which seemed frugal and it had food in it so all the boxes are checked for safety.   I really need to get this taken care of so I am hoping for the weather forecasters to be wrong so I can get the base built this week.
Well, that's all I have for this installment.  Here's hoping you are making progress in your gardens and are on track for a bountiful harvest to come!  Happy Gardening everyone!

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