Our weather, for what feels like a small part of eternity, has been just dreadful. Our area has been deluged with one day after another of soaking rains. When you step out onto the lawns, the ground just chortles at you with a robust squishing sound as your sneakers begin to sink quickly into what should be terra firma. Such is the plight of most backyard gardeners here in the Mid-Atlantic and beyond.
Today is not starting out too much better either. It is humid with a grey overcast sky and about 70 degrees. This is actually an improvement of sorts in that it is not raining at this point. Here's what our better day looks like.
Yeah, it may be grey, but we'll take it at this point.
The weather has presented quite the issue here as those gardeners who had planted their crops before this stretch of london type weather are trying to keep them alive at this point. And those who haven't planted them yet - like me - are just biding time and watching their transplants sit in idle. Neither is a very good situation for the crops.
My hydroponic plants are doing okay but not great. While they are suffering from a lack of sunlight they are growing adequately as can be seen below. I've stepped up the nutrient concentrations I've fed them to try to compensate for this with very mixed results. One cannot replace the sun for an extended period of time like we have had.
At this time, I am just waiting for the weather to turn and am doing as much as I can to be ready when the weather breaks. Much like most other gardeners I would suspect. I do believe that when it turns, we will be going directly into summer. Seems that this has been the pattern of late here in the Mid-Atlantic. We just do not have the ususal progression from Winter to Spring to Summer anymore. Spring seems to have been shortened and the transistions are much more abrupt.
On another somewhat related note, our area is getting a new neighbor of import. A company called Gotham Greens has just recently announced that they are going to build a 100,000 square foot hydroponic organic greenhouse. It will be located in the Tradepoint Atlantic business complex which is near my neighborhood. This is a redevelopment site of the closed Bethlehem Steel Company Mill which had been active at this site since 1889. The site for Gotham Greens is supposed to be completed in 2019 and will sell to restaurants and the various grocery food chains in the region.
Well, that's all there is for now. Hopefully, on my next report, I will have good news about the weather and thus, more to report on. Until that time, have a great time gardening in your backyard! Happy gardening everyone!